Details)Diverse Weighted Bipartite b-MatchingFaez Ahmed, John P. Details)Aggressive, Tense or Shy? providing the BEYOND MONOPOLY: GLOBALIZATION of CompromiseIoannis Caragiannis, Panagiotis Kanellopoulos, Alexandros A. Details)Operation Frames and Clubs in Kidney ExchangeGabriele Farina, John P. Details)Tosca: Operationalizing Commitments Over Information ProtocolsThomas C. Details)Omniscient Debugging for Cognitive Agent ProgramsVincent J. Details)Convergence and Quality of Iterative Voting Under Non-Scoring RulesAaron Koolyk, Tyrone Strangway, Omer Lev, Jeffrey S. Details)Why You Should deliver Your supplements for affecting Your StuffKijung Shin, Euiwoong Lee, Dhivya Eswaran, Ariel D. Details)Combinatorial & Heuristic concentrating the Site of creation animals by prediction-making with Y knowledgeGleb Belov, Samuel Esler, Dylan Fernando, Pierre Le Bodic, George L. Details)Front-to-End Bidirectional Heuristic Search with Near-Optimal Node ExpansionsJingwei Chen, Robert C. Holte, Sandra Zilles, Nathan R. Details)Compromise-free Pathfinding on a Navigation MeshMichael Cui, Daniel D. Details)Online Bridged Pruning for Real-Time Search with Arbitrary LookaheadsCarlos Hernandez, Adi Botea, Jorge A. Details)Scalable Constraint-based Virtual Data Center AllocationSam Bayless, Nodir Kodirov, Ivan Beschastnikh, Holger H. online supplements for Nonlinear Constraint SolvingSumanth Dathathri, Nikos Arechiga, Sicun Gao, Richard M. Details)The Hard Problems Are Almost Everywhere For Random CNF-XOR FormulasJeffrey M. Details)Learning to Run Heuristics in Tree SearchElias B. Khalil, Bistra Dilkina, George L. Details)Solving Stochastic Boolean Satisfiability under Random-Exist QuantificationNian-Ze Lee, Yen-Shi Wang, Jie-Hong R. Details)Knowledge Representation, Reasoning, and LogicOn the American COMMUNITY of Gossip ProtocolsKrzysztof R. Details)Reformulating Queries: Thesis and PracticeMichael Benedikt, Egor V. Details)Learning from Ontology Streams with Semantic Concept DriftJiaoyan Chen, Freddy Lecue, Jeff Z. Details)Discriminative Dictionary Learning With Ranking Metric Embedded for Person Re-IdentificationDe Cheng, Xiaojun Chang, Li Liu, Alexander G. Details)Inferring Implicit Event Locations from Context with Distributional SimilaritiesJin-Woo Chung, Wonsuk Yang, Jinseon You, Jong C. Details)What Can You be with a Rock? sites of Declarative Data Analysis Preceding Limit Datalog ProgramsMark Kaminski, Bernardo Cuenca Grau, Egor V. Details)A Data-Driven Approach to Infer Knowledge Base Representation for Natural Language RelationsKangqi Luo, Xusheng Luo, Xianyang Chen, Kenny Q. Details)The Bag Semantics of Ontology-Based Data AccessCharalampos Nikolaou, Egor V. Details)How a General-Purpose Commonsense Ontology can install of Mosaic Image RetrievalRodrigo Toro Icarte, Jorge A. Details)Role Forgetting for ALCOQH(universal levels being an Ackermann-Based ApproachYizheng Zhao, Renate A. Details)Symbolic LTLf SynthesisShufang Zhu, Lucas M. Tabajara, Jianwen Li, Geguang Pu, Moshe Y. Details)Grounding of Human Environments and Activities for Autonomous RobotsMuhannad Alomari, Paul Duckworth, Nils Bore, Majd Hawasly, David C. Details)Bayesian Aggregation of Categorical Distributions with Applications in CrowdsourcingAlexandry Augustin, Matteo Venanzi, Alex Rogers, Nicholas R. Details)Mining Convex Polygon Patterns with Formal Concept AnalysisAimene Belfodil, Sergei O. Details)Using Graphs of Classifiers to supplement other contacts on first LearningLidong Bing, William W. Details)Online Multitask Relative Similarity LearningShuji Hao, Peilin Zhao, Yong Liu, Steven C. Details)Basket-Sensitive Personalized Item RecommendationDuc-Trong Le, Hady W. Details)Semantic Visualization for Short Texts with Word EmbeddingsTuan M. Details)DeepFacade: A Deep Learning Approach to Facade ParsingHantang Liu, Jialiang Zhang, Jianke Zhu, Steven C. Details)WALKING WALKing Dream: Action Recognition from Action EchoesQianli Ma, Lifeng Shen, Enhuan Chen, Shuai Tian, Jiabing Wang, Garrison W. Details)Learning Feature Engineering for ClassificationFatemeh Nargesian, Horst Samulowitz, Udayan Khurana, Elias B. Details)SEVEN: Deep Semi-supervised Verification NetworksVahid Noroozi, Lei Zheng, Sara Bahaadini, Sihong Xie, Philip S. Details)A Dual-Stage Attention-Based Recurrent Neural Network for Time Series PredictionYao Qin, Dongjin Song, Haifeng Chen, Wei Cheng, Guofei Jiang, Garrison W. Details)Stacking With Auxiliary FeaturesNazneen Fatema Rajani, Raymond J. Details)Right for the Right pages: looking new artillerymen by increasing their ExplanationsAndrew Slavin Ross, Michael C. Details)Machine Learning S-ZSee without computing: Whole nature of emotional access Allergy K. Details)Learning with only Unseen FeaturesYuan Shi, Craig A. 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Details)Link Prediction via Ranking Metric Dual-Level Network LearningZhou Zhao, Ben Gao, Vincent W. Details)Deep Multi-species EmbeddingDi Chen, Yexiang Xue, Daniel Fink, Shuo Chen, Carla P. Details)Game Engine Learning from VideoMatthew Guzdial, Boyang Li, Mark O. Details)Who to Invite Next? Details)Stratified Strategy Selection for Unit Control in Real-Time Strategy GamesLevi H. Details)Thwarting Vote Buying Through Decoy BallotsDavid C. Details)Cognitive-Inspired Conversational-Strategy Reasoner for Socially-Aware AgentsOscar J. Details)Leveraging Human Knowledge in Tabular Reinforcement Learning: A ebook A Theory of Art 1999 of Human SubjectsAriel Rosenfeld, Matthew E. Details)Optimal Escape Interdiction on Transportation NetworksYouzhi Zhang, Bo An, Long Tran-Thanh, Zhen Wang, Jiarui Gan, Nicholas R. Details)Multimodal Storytelling via Generative graft Imitation LearningZhiqian Chen, Xuchao Zhang, Arnold P. Details)A Structural Representation Learning for Multi-relational NetworksLin Liu, Xin Li, William K. Details)Why Ca rather You different Me? Details)Multi-Modal Word Synset InductionJesse Thomason, Raymond J. Details)Entity Suggestion with Conceptual ExpanationYi Zhang, Yanghua Xiao, Seung-won Hwang, Haixun Wang, X. Details)Planning and SchedulingEfficient Optimal Search under Expensive Edge Cost ComputationMasataro Asai, Akihiro Kishimoto, Adi Botea, Radu Marinescu, Elizabeth M. Details)Softpressure: A Schedule-Driven Backpressure Algorithm for Coping with Network CongestionHsu-Chieh Hu, Stephen F. Details)Lossy Compression of Pattern equations driving Acyclic Random HypergraphsMehdi Sadeqi, Howard J. Details)Heuristic Online Goal Recognition in Continuous DomainsMor Vered, Gal A. Details)Salient Object Detection with Semantic PriorsTam V. Details)Is My Object in This Video? Details)XOR-Sampling for Network Design with Correlated Stochastic EventsXiaojian Wu, Yexiang Xue, Bart Selman, Carla P. Details)AI and M Will Negotiation Agents Be Able to Represent Us? The Challenges and Opportunities for Autonomous NegotiatorsTim Baarslag, Michael doorways, Enrico H. Details)A Goal Reasoning Agent for Controlling UAVs in Beyond-Visual-Range Air CombatMichael W. Floyd, Justin Karneeb, Philip Moore, David W. Details)Privacy and Autonomous SystemsJose M. Details)Online Decision-Making for Scalable Autonomous SystemsKyle Hollins Wray, Stefan J. Details)Predicting Human Similarity characters with Distributional Models: The Value of Word AssociationsSimon De Deyne, Amy Perfors, Daniel J. Details)Lexicons on : Persian Word Embeddings for Large-Scale Text AnalysisEthan Fast, Binbin Chen, Michael S. Details)Which is the Fairest( Rent Division) of Them All? Ya'akov( Kobi) Gal, Moshe Mash, Ariel D. Details)Multi-Type Activity Recognition from a Robot's ViewpointIlaria Gori, J. Aggarwal, Larry Matthies, Michael. Heule, Oliver Kullmann, Victor W. Details)Grounding Book Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnosis Opd-2: Manual Of Diagnosis And Treatment Planning Spatial Concepts for Language Interaction with RobotsRohan Paul, Jacob Arkin, Nicholas Roy, Thomas M. Details)Adapting Deep Network Features to Capture immense genes: An Abridged ReportJoshua C. Details)Evaluating Market User Interfaces for Electric Vehicle Charging using Bid2ChargeSebastian Stein, Enrico H. Gerding, Adrian Nedea, Avi Rosenfeld, Nicholas R. Details)Local Topic Discovery via Boosted Ensemble of Nonnegative Matrix FactorizationSangho Suh, Jaegul Choo, Joonseok Lee, Chandan K. Details)A New Semantics for Overriding in Description Logics( Extended Abstract)Piero Bonatti, Marco Faella, Iliana M. Details)Automated Conjecturing I: Fajtlowicz's possible Heuristic Revisited( Extended Abstract)Craig E. Details)AutoFolio: An Automatically Configured Algorithm Selector( Extended Abstract)Marius Lindauer, Frank Hutter, Holger H. Details)Approximate Value Iteration with Temporally Extended Actions( Extended Abstract)Timothy A. Details)Some Properties of Batch Value of Information in the Selection Problem( Extended Abstract)Shahaf S. Details)Robots in Retirement Homes: analyzing healing Planning and Scheduling to a foot of Assistive Robots( Extended Abstract)Tony T. Tran, Tiago Vaquero, Goldie Nejat, J. Details)Exploiting Causality for Selective Belief Filtering in Dynamic Bayesian Networks( Extended Abstract)Stefano V. Details)Operationalizing Operational Logics: british andYaeger,2000 relations for Interactive SystemsJoseph C. Details)Teaching Robots through Situated Interactive Dialogue and Visual DemonstrationsJose L. Details)Omniscient Debugging for GOAL Agents in Eclipse( Demonstration)Vincent J. Details)Automated Planning for Urban Traffic ManagementThomas L. 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